Tuesday, September 17, 2013

How to install Hyper-V Role on VMware ESXi Virtual Machine

Problem : 
Can not install Hyper-V Role on VMware Virtual Machine

Environment : 
VMware ESXi 5.X

Solution :

1. Go to ESXi Server Shell by using putty or similar utility.

2. Locate file config in /etc/vmware folder
# cat /etc/vmware/config
libdir = "/usr/lib/vmware"
authd.proxy.vim = "vmware-hostd:hostd-vmdb"
authd.proxy.nfc = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfc"
authd.proxy.nfcssl = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfcssl"
authd.proxy.vpxa-nfcssl = "vmware-vpxa:vpxa-nfcssl"
authd.proxy.vpxa-nfc = "vmware-vpxa:vpxa-nfc"
authd.fullpath = "/sbin/authd"
authd.soapServer = "TRUE"
vmauthd.server.alwaysProxy = "TRUE"

3. Add vhv.allow = "TRUE" entry at the end of file using VI utility, it will look like below :
# cat /etc/vmware/config
libdir = "/usr/lib/vmware"
authd.proxy.vim = "vmware-hostd:hostd-vmdb"
authd.proxy.nfc = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfc"
authd.proxy.nfcssl = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfcssl"
authd.proxy.vpxa-nfcssl = "vmware-vpxa:vpxa-nfcssl"
authd.proxy.vpxa-nfc = "vmware-vpxa:vpxa-nfc"
authd.fullpath = "/sbin/authd"
authd.soapServer = "TRUE"
vmauthd.server.alwaysProxy = "TRUE"

vhv.allow = "TRUE"

4. Power off VM, where you want to ENABLE Hyper-V Role.

5. Goto VM folder location and edit its VMX file.
# cd /vmfs/volumes/datastore7.44/WINDOWS8PC2

6. Edit WINDOWS8PC2.vmx file using VI Editor and Change the guestOS = "windown8-64" to  guestOS = "winhyperv"
# vi WINDOWS8PC2.vmx

7. Thats it... You are Done!!! Power ON the VM and you are ready to install the Hyper-V Role on it.

Solved : The user profile failed to attach. The process cannot access the file becase it is being used by another process

Issue :  The user profile failed to attach. Please contact Support. Status : 0x0000000B, Message: Cannot open virtual disk Error Code: 0x000...