Friday, February 26, 2016

Slow Web Based Java Applications | Solution

Hey All,

Another day for the issues and resolution. This time - JAVA Applications

Issue : JAVA Applications (e.g. Primavera Web Portal, EMC Unisphere Management Console, etc.) takes too long time to open / respond.

Scenario : Web Based Java Applications getting accessed from Client Machines having JAVA 7 Update 25+ and above

JAVA Based Intranet / Internet Applications

Resolution : 

Open Java Control Panel : Start ==> Configure Java

1) Enable client side Java Applet caching (If not enabled)
2) Disable Online Certification Check (Online Certificate Status Protocol)
3)  Click OK.

Restart your browser.

Open the application. It may take time for the 1st time. Subsequent loads should be faster.


Let me know if this solution worked for you.


Friday, February 12, 2016

Script to attach multiple databases in 1 Click | SQL Server | Migration

Dear All,

Scenario :
Source Server : SQL Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 ,
Destination Server : SQL Server 2014, Windows Server 2012 R2
We are in process of SQL Server Migration from 2008 R2 to 2014

We faced situation that we had to attach 600+ databases to newly created setup, which would require 10+ Hrs.

Then i decided to create script for it.

Thanks to google, I got ready made information from Michelle Gutzait (

And comment from James E. Satterthwaite helped me for my requirement.

Hope that this helps for you too.


Goto SQL Server Management Studio on the Source Server and Run this query on the required instance.

-- *******************************************************
-- Script for attaching multiple Databases at a time
-- Do following if you want to relocate DB and log files elsewhere
-- FIND    H:\MSSQL10_50.APP\MSSQL\DATA\    and Replace with     E:\MSSQL12.SQL2014NEW\MSSQL\DATA\
-- FIND     I:\MSSQL10_50.APP\MSSQL\Data\     and Replace with     F:\MSSQL12.SQL2014NEW\MSSQL\Log\
-- *******************************************************
DECLARE     @cmd        VARCHAR(MAX),
            @dbname     VARCHAR(200),
            @prevdbname VARCHAR(200)

SELECT @cmd = '', @dbname = ';', @prevdbname = ''

    (Seq        INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
     dbname     SYSNAME NULL,
     fileid     INT NULL,
     filename   VARCHAR(1000) NULL,
     TxtAttach  VARCHAR(MAX) NULL

SELECT DISTINCT DB_NAME(dbid) AS dbname, fileid, filename, CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX),'') AS TxtAttach
FROM master.dbo.sysaltfiles
WHERE dbid IN (SELECT dbid FROM master.dbo.sysaltfiles
            WHERE FileID = 1
            AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX(DB_NAME(dbid), 'Status') = 'ONLINE'
            AND DB_NAME(dbid) NOT IN ('master','tempdb','msdb','model'))
ORDER BY DB_NAME(dbid), fileid, filename

UPDATE #Attach
SET @cmd = TxtAttach = 
            CASE WHEN dbname <> @prevdbname
            THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(200),'exec sp_attach_db @dbname = N''' + dbname + '''')
            ELSE @cmd
            END +',@filename' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),fileid) + '=N''' + filename +'''',
    @prevdbname = CASE WHEN dbname <> @prevdbname THEN dbname ELSE @prevdbname END,
    @dbname = dbname

SELECT TxtAttach
(SELECT dbname, MAX(TxtAttach) AS TxtAttach FROM #Attach
 GROUP BY dbname) AS x


Script End

Solved : The user profile failed to attach. The process cannot access the file becase it is being used by another process

Issue :  The user profile failed to attach. Please contact Support. Status : 0x0000000B, Message: Cannot open virtual disk Error Code: 0x000...